You're home with us

helfy™ was founded in Liverpool by A&E practitioner, Dr Ed.

Underpinned by a dedicated team, helfy™ is driven by our vision to seamlessly blend holistic wellness with the dynamic pace of corporate life.

Our commitment to evidence-based wellness solutions drives us to deliver products and services that are not only effective, but of the highest quality. 

Positioned at the intersection of health and corporate vitality, helfy™ paves the way for professionals to excel in their careers and personal health.

"Our mission is to transform wellness with evidence-based strategies, integrating holistic health seamlessly into the dynamic corporate landscape."

Dr Ed, Founder

Meet Dr Ed

In 2017 when a colleague and friend took his own life due to a variety of accumulating lifestyle issues, Dr Ed, our initial founder, set about his passionate work to create a company that would help people take control of, and improve, their lifestyle health.

After all, as 90% of all preventable disease (physical and mental) is caused by lifestyle factors, Dr Ed hoped his vision would change the future of our population’s health.

Fast forward a few years and we now have a diverse team, with many clinical years under their belt, helping people across the UK unlock their full health potential.

We’re here to help.

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